Day 15
Sorry I haven't posted in so long but look at these pictures I almost look normal. If you didn't know me I would look normal. Well, the pain hasn't let up much. That itchy feeling has finally gotten better and now where the itching was is burning and sharp pain like little needles poking me. My jaw joints are still very tender. Inside my mouth is still pretty swollen and it hurts to eat cold things. The stitches are slowly falling out and they are kinda gross. The skin on my face is really dry so I'm constantly putting lotion on. I know Leah said her skin was oily so I guess it's different for everyone. I'm still not sleeping well at night and still wake up several times, I'm sooo tired. I lost about 13 pounds and gained 5 pounds back. I asked how I was able to gain weight when I'm only taking in about 1000 calories a day and he told me that my body has gone into starvation mode so I will gain weight. So, I wonder if my body will get used to it and realize I'm not starving. I saw my orthodontist on Tuesday and he gave me some elastics to wear only if they don't make my jaw hurt. I think I was able to wear them for a couple of hours before I had to take them out because my face started to hurt pretty badly. But, I will try again in a couple of days and see if I can tolerate them then. My od said I should be out of braces in about six months maybe less depending how things go. Tomorrow I will see my tmj doc and he will determine if I need physical therapy for my jaw. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't need it. I'm tired of appointments and doctors and running here and there. I would like a couple of quiet weeks now to recuperate without a freaking appointment to worry about. But, anyway, I am going to go now and will let you know how tomorrow's appointment went. Thanks for listening to me vent...
YAY for updates!
Can I just say, your nose is the teeniest nose EVER!!! You do look great. Swelling is looking really good. You just go!
You look really good. You're right, if people didn't know you were having surgery, I'll bet they wouldn't even guess you had it just a few weeks ago.
Keep healing and stay strong!!
I guess it can be rather difficult to picture nerves healing and think of the itchies as a good thing when you're living through it and it's driving you absolutely FREAKIN' I sure hope it hurrys up and gives you some peace in a hurry :)
You are looking pretyy amazing, though girl, and it's hard to believe it's the same person as the previous pics...what a difference a few days make!
Hope your appointment went well & you get a bit of a reprieve from going to a slew of appointments. Fingers Xed for a good nights sleep :)
What a difference a week makes. Your sweeling has gone down dramatically! Thanks for the updates.
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